Monday, December 22, 2014



Students earned a BINGO reward because they have been doing such a fantastic job earning PATH tickets.  Keep up the great work!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Multiplication Graduates

Congratulations to our multiplication graduates!  They have completed 5 time tests in a row with a score of 95% or better in 5 minutes or less.
Students from Mrs. Lund's Class
Students from Ms. Heitkamp's Class

Series and Parallel Circuits

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15th - 19th

Language Arts:
- Daily 3
- Text Structure
- Holiday Roll 'n Write
- Suffixes -ful, -less, -ness, -ment

Reading (120 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) 
Due Friday, December 19th
Please remember to sign both logs!

Spelling test on THURSDAY!

Unit 5: Multi-Digit Multiplication

Social Studies: Midwest Region (Test 12/18)

We will be visiting the Toys for Tots Store on Thursday, December 18th.  Students may bring money to purchase items.

Bowling Permission Forms and $6.00 are due Friday, December 19th.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 8th - 12th

Language Arts:
- Daily 3
- Text and Graphic Features
- Relative Pronouns
- Analogies

Reading (120 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) 
Due Friday, December 12th
Please remember to sign both logs!

Spelling test on THURSDAY!

Unit 4: Angles and Polygons - Test on Friday

Social Studies: Midwest Region

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I am thankful that I have a job that I absolutely love and get to work with a fantastic group of kids everyday!  Students were able to share what they were thankful for on their turkey center pieces that went home on Monday or Tuesday.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

December 1st-5th

Language Arts:
- Daily 3
- Sequence of Events
- Antonyms
- Commas
- Similes & Metaphors

Reading (120 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) 
Due Friday, December 5th
Please remember to sign both logs!

Spelling test on Friday.

Unit 4: Angles and Polygons

Science: Electricity and Magnetism

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rounding Practice

Students practiced rounding numbers through the ten thousands place today during a scoot activity.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 17th-21st

Language Arts:

- Daily 3
- " I Survived" Narratives
- Drawing Inferences
- Comparative/Superlative Adjectives

Reading (120 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) 
Due Friday, November 21st.
Please remember to sign both logs!

No spelling test this week.

Unit 3: Place Value and Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Science: Electricity and Magnetism

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Veteran's Day Program

Students participated in a special Veteran's Day Assembly on Friday.  The American Legion Honor Guard began the program by posting the colors.  Students sang a variety of patriotic songs and 4th graders shared poems they had written.

Students spent last week working on their Veteran's Day poems in language arts class.  The following students shared their poems at the Veteran's Day program.

Language Arts:

- Daily 3
- " I Survived" Narratives
- Greek and Latin Word Parts
- Stressed/Unstressed Syllables

Reading (120 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) 
Due Friday, November 14th.
Please remember to sign both logs!

Spelling Test Friday

Unit 3: Place Value and Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Social Studies: SE Region (Test 11/13)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 3rd-7th

Language Arts:

- Daily 3
- Theme
- Verb Tenses
- Greek and Latin Word Parts
- Veterans Day Poetry

Reading (120 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) 
Due Friday, November 7th.
Please remember to sign both logs!

Spelling Test Friday

Unit 3: Place Value and Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Monday, October 27, 2014

Qian Zhang

This year, Sauk Rapids-Rice has been fortunate to offer a pilot program for elementary students to learn Chinese. Recently program teacher Qian Zhang presented to the School Board and included a video highlighting students and some benefits of the program.

October 27th-31st

Language Arts:

- Daily 3
- Point of View
- Verbs
- Suffixes -y, -ous
- Veterans Day Poetry

Reading (120 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) 
Due Friday, October 31st
Please remember to sign both logs!

Spelling Test Friday

Unit 3: Place Value and Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Science: Electricity and Magnetism

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Perimeter and Area Website

If you are looking for extra perimeter and area practice before Wednesday's test, please check out this website.  

October 20th - 24th

Language Arts:

- Daily 3
- Informational Summarizing
- Determining Importance
- Homophones

Reading (120 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) 
Due Tuesday, October 24th

Spelling Test Friday

Unit 2: Quadrilaterals - Test Wednesday

Science: Electricity and Magnetism

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 13th-14th

Language Arts:
- Daily 3
- Haiku Poem
- Idioms
- Figurative Language

Reading (80 minutes) & 
Math Facts Logs (2 days of practice) 
due Tuesday, October 14th


Unit 2: Quadrilaterals
This week we will focus on finding the perimeter and area of complex figures.

Social Studies: Northeast Region

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6th - October 10th

Language Arts:
- Daily 3
- Main Idea & Details
- Simple and Compound Sentences
- Prefixes non-, mis-

Reading (120 minutes) and Math Facts Logs (5 days of practice) due Friday, October 10th

Spelling Test on Friday

Unit 2: Quadrilaterals

Math Facts: Students are required to practice their multiplication facts 5 nights/week.  Mastery of these facts will help your child be successful this year in math.

Social Studies: Northeast Region

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 29th - October 3rd

Language Arts:
-Daily 3 Routines
-Types of Sentences
-Context Clues

Reading/Math Facts Logs due Friday, October 3rd (120 minutes)
Spelling Test on Friday

Unit one test will be coming home on Monday.  Please sign it and have your child return it to school on Tuesday.  We will be starting Unit 2: Geometry next week.  This unit explores congruence, similarity, and symmetry; parallel and perpendicular lines; and the difference among some quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, and rhombus). In addition, activities in this unit help students understand what perimeter and area are and how they are measured.

Math Facts: A parent letter and math facts log went home on Friday.  Mastery of these facts will help your child be successful this year in math.  Please take time to practice their multiplication facts each night. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Class Picture

September 22-26

This Week:

Language Arts:
-Daily 3 Routines
-Word Choice
-Subjects and Predicates
-Prefixes in-, im-, il-, ir-

Reading Logs due Friday, Sept. 26th (120 minutes)
Spelling Test on Friday

Unit 1 - Solving Multiplication and Division Word Problems
Math Test - Friday
Please watch for the math facts parent letter/log to come home  on Friday.  The log will be on the back of the reading log.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Spelling City

Students received their first spelling list this week.  Please take time each night to review these words before Friday's spelling test.  Ms. Heitkamp has set up an account on where students can practice their words.  This app can also be downloaded on Apple, Android and Kindle devices.

VocabularySpellingCity is a website and mobile app that helps students learn their weekly spelling words while having fun at the same time.  Spelling lists will be posted directly to our classroom's homepage which students can access from home.  There, they can review their words and play spelling games to reinforce the learning process.

You can find our class' spelling lists by going directly to Ms. Heitkamp's homepage at  You can bookmark this URL on your computer to make it easy for your child to access the class' word lists!  Your child does not need to log into the site to access her homepage.

The spelling lists will appear on the left side of the page below her Welcome Message and Daily Instructions.  To access the activities and games, click on the list name and then select either the Spelling Test, Teach Me or Play a Game button located above the word list.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 15th - 19th

This Week:

Language Arts:
-Daily 3 Routines
-Story Structure: Plot & Setting
-Narrative Writing
-Prefixes re-, un-, dis

Reading Logs due Friday, Sept. 19th (120 minutes) - Logs were sent home last Friday along with a parent letter.

Spelling Test on Friday

Unit 1 - Solving Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Students will be given a blue worksheet each day that has a remembering and a homework side.  They are given time to work on this during class and should have very little, if any math homework to complete at home.  Please watch for a math facts parent letter to be coming home in the next week or two.

Math Class

This week, students learned new card games that they will be playing during our math stations - Who's the Greatest? (Place Value), Sum 20 (Addition) and Multiplication War.